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César Nombela nombrado Patrono Delegado de la FGCSIC

El Profesor César Nombela, catedrático de Microbiología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y patrono de la Fundación General del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, ha sido nombrado patrono delegado de esta Fundación, con el cometido de diseñar una nueva estrategia más orientada al ámbito de la transferencia de conocimiento, así como a reforzar las […]

Lychnos 9, thematic issue on threatened species

Lychnos 9 (June 2012) takes another look at the subject of threatened species, one of Fundación General CSIC's strategic lines. The topic is introduced in this issue by Rafael Zardoya (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales), with his article "The Biodiversity Crisis: scientific and political challenges." The second section presents some of the results of the […]

Report on R&D on automotive energy

Energy consumption is responsible for three of the problems of our time: excessive energy dependence, the exhaustion of the main traditional sources of energy, and high levels of pollution. Thus, one of society’s major challenges this century is to mitigate its effects. Striking a balance between measures that are energy efficient and cost-effective is therefore […]

Informe de la I+D en energía y automoción

Uno de los retos de la sociedad de este siglo es paliar el efecto del elevado consumo energético, responsable de tres realidades de nuestro tiempo: excesiva dependencia de la energía, agotamiento de las principales fuentes tradicionales de energía y los altos niveles de contaminación. Alcanzar un equilibrio entre medidas energéticamente eficientes y económicamente rentables es, […]

Lychnos 9, monográfico sobre especies amenazadas

Lychnos 9, correspondiente a junio de 2012, nos trae de nuevo el tema de las especies amenazadas, una de las líneas estratégicas de la Fundación General CSIC. Rafael Zardoya (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales) es el encargado de introducirnos en el tema con su artículo “La crisis de la biodiversidad: retos científicos y políticos”. La […]

Lychnos 8. Special issue on ageing

Lychnos 8, published in March 2012, takes a look at the subject of ageing from various angles and disciplines. The results of the survey run by the Fundación General CSIC on ageing-related R&D offer an introduction to the phenomenon, and Clara Parapar (FGCSIC) offers a preliminary analysis.

The second section of the journal covers the five research projects in psychosocial studies and technologies selected by the Proyectos Cero 2011 call for project proposals addressing ageing issues, sponsored by Obra Social «la Caixa» and supported by the CSIC. The project entitled “Worthplay. Videogames for active and healthy ageing” is presented by Josep Blat (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Josep Lluís Argos (CSIC) and Sergio Sayago (University of Dundee). Next, Eva Chinarro and Berta Moreno (CSIC) give an overview of their research on “Biomaterials for the modulation of the inflammation causing age-related macular degeneration.” Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) applications to prevent the effects of ageing are then described by Roberto Hornero, Rebeca Corralejo and Daniel Álvarez (Biomedical Engineering Group, University of Valladolid). Concepció Patxot (University of Barcelona) introduces the topic of “Pensions and education: combined effects on inter- and intra-generational income distribution.” This section of the journal is rounded off an article by de Juan Subirats and Mercé Pérez Salanova (Barcelona Autonomous University) on “The challenge of new citizenship. New narratives and new policies for different elderly people.”

The Social Welfare Area of Obra Social “la Caixa” describes its programme for the elderly. The third section of the journal is then rounded off with an interview with Jaume Lanaspa, Executive Director of Obra Social “la Caixa” and Director of Fundación “la Caixa”.

In the fourth section, various experts describe the phenomenon of ageing in relation to information technology, Mario Piattini (University of Castile-La Mancha) and Jose Luis Fernández Nuevo (FGCSIC); language, Pilar García Moutón (CSIC); and research, Javier López Facal (CSIC) and José Manuel Conde (UAM).

Lychnos 8 is closed with an opinion article by María-Angeles Durán (CSIC) in the Forum section entitled “Retired, but not old.”

2nd FGCSIC Seminar on Ageing

On Wednesday 25 April, Fundación General CSIC will be holding its second seminar on Ageing at the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid, where it will present the Proyectos Cero 2011 projects on the issue. The event will be attended by Emilio Lora-Tamayo, president of the CSIC and the Fundación General CSIC, and Jaume Lanaspa, director of Fundación “la Caixa”, who will formally hand the lead researchers the documentation accrediting their funding.

The day will start with an address by Javier Rey, the director of the FGCSIC, who will present the Foundation’s activities in the field of ageing. Ana Martínez Gil, assistant vice-president of the CSIC’ Scientific and Technical Areas and María-Angeles Durán, research profesor at the Centro de Ciencias humanas y Sociales (CSIC), will also take part.

The Proyectos Cero 2011 call for proposals on Ageing, backed by the CSIC, has been granted funding of a million euros by Obra Social «la Caixa».

The event will be video streamed live on the Foundation’s website:

2nd FGCSIC Seminar on Ageing

On 25 April, Emilio Lora-Tamayo, President of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and of the Fundación General CSIC (FGCSIC), and Jaime Lanaspa, Director of Fundación «la Caixa», presented the five research projects selected for funding under the Proyectos Cero call for proposals for projects on the topic of Ageing. The event took place during the 2nd FGCSIC Seminar on Ageing at the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid.

The seminar was opened with a talk by the director of the Fundación General CSIC, Javier Rey, who gave a presentation of the activities the Foundation is running in relation to the topic of ageing, in particular the call for Proyectos Cero proposals, the FGCSIC report and survey on R&D on ageing, and the latest issue of the science communication journal Lychnos dedicated to the topic.

His presentation was followed by talks by Ana Martínez Gil, a research professor at the CSIC’s Institute of Medical Chemistry, on the CSIC and «the challenge of Alzheimer’s disease: tideglusib, a drug at advanced clinical development stage,» and María-Angeles Durán, a research professor at the CSIC’s Human and Social Sciences Centre, who described how we are likely to spend a larger share of our lives old than young.

The final part of the session was devoted to a presentation on each of the projects receiving funding, and the principal investigators of each project were given their official award documentation by Jaime Lanaspa and Emilio Lora-Tamayo.

The FGCSIC 2011 call for Proyectos Cero proposals on Ageing, supported by the CSIC and with funding of a million euros from Obra Social «la Caixa», initially received 47 applications, each of which brought together various research groups. Of these, 15 projects passed to the second phase of the evaluation process, and five were finally awarded funding: Two of these projects relate to studies on psychological and social topics and three will examine specific technologies in more detail.

The Fundación General CSIC has launched the Proyectos Cero programme to promote outstanding, unique, world-class research taking a trans-disciplinary perspective. It is through this type of initiative that the FGCSIC aims to achieve its mission as a foundation: promoting public-private partnerships in R&D.

Entrega de credenciales de Proyectos Cero FGCSIC en Envejecimiento

Emilio Lora-Tamayo, presidente del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y de la Fundación General CSIC (FGCSIC), y Jaime Lanaspa, director general de la Fundación «la Caixa», han presentado hoy 25 de abril los cinco proyectos de investigación seleccionados en el marco de la Convocatoria 2011 de Proyectos Cero en Envejecimiento. Este acontecimiento ha tenido […]

II Jornada FGCSIC sobre Envejecimiento

El miércoles, 25 de abril, en la Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid, la Fundación General CSIC celebrará la II Jornada FGCSIC sobre Envejecimiento, en la que se presentarán los Proyectos Cero 2011 en Envejecimiento. El acto contará con la presencia de Emilio Lora-Tamayo, presidente del CSIC y de la Fundación General CSIC, y Jaume Lanaspa, […]