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Fundación General CSIC and Obra Social “la Caixa” grant funding for five Proyectos Cero projects on Ageing


The Fundación General CSIC’s 2011 Proyectos Cero call for proposals on Ageing, backed by Obra Social «la Caixa» with additional support from the CSIC, has awarded funding to five research projects studying social, psychological and technical aspects of ageing, with the overall aim of improving quality of life for the elderly.

The call attracted interest from 47 research groups. Of the 15 expressions of interest that went on to the second phase of the process, five were finally selected for funding. Two of these projects relate to studies on psychological and social topics and three will examine specific technologies in more detail.

This call for proposals was part of the Fundación General CSIC’s strategic line on ageing, and meets the Foundation’s goal of obtaining private funding to stimulate public research. Specifically, Obra Social «la Caixa» will be providing the sum of a million euros. The Proyectos Cero initiative aims to stimulate innovative transdisciplinary approaches to addressing high profile science and technology issues and problems, with a high degree of social interest and economic impact. It is aimed at research groups linked to Spanish public R&D institutions and run in the form of a series of open calls for proposals.

The Fundación General CSIC’s 2011 Proyectos Cero call for proposals on Ageing, backed by Obra Social «la Caixa» with additional support from the CSIC, has awarded funding to five research projects studying social, psychological and technical aspects of ageing, with the overall aim of improving quality of life for the elderly.

Fundación General CSIC and Obra Social la Caixa grant funding for five Proyectos Cero projects on Ageing

The call attracted interest from 47 research groups. Of the 15 expressions of interest that went on to the second phase of the process, five were finally selected for funding. Two of these projects relate to studies on psychological and social topics and three will examine specific technologies in more detail.

This call for proposals was part of the Fundación General CSIC’s strategic line on ageing, and meets the Foundation’s goal of obtaining private funding to stimulate public research. Specifically, Obra Social «la Caixa» will be providing the sum of a million euros. The Proyectos Cero initiative aims to stimulate innovative transdisciplinary approaches to addressing high profile science and technology issues and problems, with a high degree of social interest and economic impact. It is aimed at research groups linked to Spanish public R&D institutions and run in the form of a series of open calls for proposals.

2011 Proyectos Cero projects granted funding

Principal Investigator: Josep Blat, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).
Project title: «Worthplay. Videojuegos para el envejecimiento positivo» [Video games for positive ageing].
Description: The aim of Worthplay is to research the design, development and evaluation of a prototype online game for the elderly, aiming to develop quality games that make a genuine contribution to active ageing, and enhance elderly people’s physical and psychosocial well-being.

Principal Investigator: Roberto Hornero Sánchez, Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica (GIB) at the Universidad de Valladolid (UVA).
Project title: «Aplicación de sistemas Brain Computer Interface (BCI) al entrenamiento cognitivo y al control domótico para prevenir los efectos del envejecimiento» [Application of BCI systems to cognitive training and home automation control to offset the effects of ageing].
Description: this project aims to use BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) systems to translate users’ intentions into commands, as a cognitive training tool to help offset the effects of ageing. It will also develop an assistive BCI application permitting the control of home automation systems and other electronic devices in the home.

Principal Investigator: Concepció Patxot Cardoner, Universitat de Barcelona (UB).
Project Title: «Las pensiones y la educación: efectos combinados en la redistribución inter e intrageneracional» [Pensions and education: combined effects on inter- and intragenerational redistribution].
Description: The aim is to analyse the movements of resources between different age groups and determine the role of businesspeople, politicians and institutions in the development of social policies that benefit the elderly and children. The analysis will focus on the pensions and education system.

Principal Investigator: Joan Subirats Humet, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Project Title: «Envejecimiento activo, ciudadanía y participación: valoración de las aspiraciones, necesidades y estrategias asociadas a la autonomía y empoderamiento de viejas y nuevas generaciones de personas mayores en España» [Active ageing, citizenship and participation: valuing aspirations, needs and strategies associated with independence and empowerment of older and new generations of elderly people in Spain]
Description: The project aims to establish proposals bolstering the participation of the elderly in the formulation and implementation of public policies to promote active ageing. And in a way the recognises the heterogeneity and diversity of this group, and includes relevant best practice, and makes use of information and communications technologies.

Principal Investigator: Eva Chinarro Martín, Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (ICV-CSIC).
Project Title: «Biomateriales para modular la inflamación producida por la degeneración macular asociada a la edad (BIODMAE)» [Biomaterials to modulate the inflammation produced by age-related macular degeneration].
Description: This project aims to develop a new class of hybrid biomaterials able to slow some of the processes contributing to the ageing of the tissues of the eye. These materials will help alleviate macular degeneration, the main cause of sight loss among the elderly.